Note Manager copyright 1994 Cooper Collier Note Manager is not disabled in any way. I am charging hardly anything for it. If you pay for it, I will add you name to my database as a registered user. If you want a registration card, please send me a self-addressed envelope. You really don't need one though, as I am not going to hunt anyone down. All I really want is prestige and drinking money (Diet Pepsi, the drink of all cool computer geeks) This software is Affordable Ware. Please donate $1 to $5, or at the very least E-mail me as to what you think about it. Cooper Collier 6620 Stella Place #2 Anchorage AK 99507 CIS 71553,1645 Installation: This program requires vbrun300.dll in your system directory. If you do not have vbrun300.dll. It is available on compuserv in most Windows forums. Copy the files to a directory. Run the .exe file. If you like the program add the .exe to your startup group. If you have threed.vbx in your system directory you don't need it in the program directory. Instructions: Ain't none. If you can't figure this out. Sell your computer. Not only is this affordable ware, it's simple ware. One note: It's supposed to write to your harddrive when you type. So don't panic. It writes whatever you type to the ccnote.ini. I know. I know. I could have made it more graceful. But, this is much simpler, and I believe in simplicity. Plus, I ain't hardly charging anything. If you want awesome bells and whistles get Lotus Notes.